Professional Development for Educators that Changes Lives
We are proud to offer professional development that not only impacts the lives and curriculum of educators, but that in turn changes the lives of countless students each year. By prioritizing and bringing Holocaust and genocide education into the classroom, future generations will not only remember, but will be more informed citizens who use their knowledge and understanding of history to forge a brighter and more equitable future for all.
Below is just a sampling of the feedback we have received during our professional development sessions.
“One of the most important things that this seminar gave me was inspiration to become an agent of change. I feel that I can make a positive difference in the way students view social issues and the history behind them.” — Crista C., teacher grades 11 and 12, ELA, AP Spanish, and Health, California
“Powerful and thought-provoking content. I have wealth of resources from which to consider using and also share with my peers at different schools around the Bay Area.” — David S., teacher, grade 5, California
“The seminar gave us the tools and confidence to teach the Holocaust and human rights in respectful, impactful ways.” — Christopher D., teacher, grade 6, ELA and Social Studies, North Carolina
“Every educator would benefit from this remarkable seminar.” — Mattie S., California
“All teachers should participate in this type of professional development.” — Nicole J., teacher, grades 9 - 12, History and Speech and Debate, California
“Very good information and resources.” — Enid P., community college teacher, California
To learn more about our professional development seminars and training sessions for educators, reach out to us today!